Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service - on-call firefighters employer information

To all businesses and organisations ……are you interested in employing on-call firefighters?

If you don't currently employ on-call firefighters but would be interested in finding out more, please contact us by email at: and we will be in touch very soon.

Cumbria has nearly 400 on-call firefighters who are 'on call' to respond to a wide range of emergencies. Most have other jobs until the call comes when they then become professional firefighters.

Information for Employers (PDF 916kb)

Appreciation and recognition events

Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) hold special events at fire stations throughout Cumbria which celebrate the terrific efforts of our on-call firefighters. These events are an opportunity to thank the families and primary employers of our on-call firefighters for their vital ongoing support.

Brampton Appreciation and Recognition Event 600 X 400

Brampton on-call firefighter Roy Glendinning and Ken Smith from Carlisle Airport

Over the coming months Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) will be holding appreciation and recognition events at all 35 on-call fire stations in Cumbria to recognise our on-call firefighters for the huge commitment and dedication they provide to communities of Cumbria. The events are also an opportunity to thank the families and primary employers of our on-call firefighters for their vital ongoing support.

The first appreciation and recognition event took place at Brampton fire station on Monday 16 July and was attended by on-call firefighters' families' and on-call primary employers, including those who are self employed, those who release staff to attend incidents and those who are unable to release staff but provide ongoing support to the on-call service.

CFRS Operational Commander Alan Sowerby described how the role of an on-call firefighter can benefit individuals, employers and their local communities.

Certificates and letters of appreciation were presented to both the employers and the families of on-call firefighters at Brampton. They also had an opportunity to view operational equipment stored on the fire appliance.

Steve Healey, Cumbria County Council's Chief Fire officer, said: "There are nearly 400 on-call firefighters in Cumbria and they are important members of the CFRS team and highly respected within their local communities. We are holding appreciation and recognition events at all 35 of our on-call fire stations in Cumbria as an opportunity both to thank them for their hard work, dedication and commitment, and also to recognise the support they receive from their families and their employers which enables them to be on-call firefighters."

Roy Glendinning has been an on-call firefighter at Brampton station for the past 30 months. He also works full time as a crew manager at nearby Carlisle Airport. He said: "I was brought up in Brampton and live close by to the station so it was a no brainer to become an on-call firefighter when a vacancy came up so that I could help my local community. It's the best thing I ever did and would definitely recommend it to anyone else considering it."

Ken Smith, Health and Safety and Operational Support Manager at Carlisle Airport added: "There are four people who work at the Airport who are also on-call firefighters. It's brilliant to see these people putting something back into their community and is to be admired. All the skills and experience that are gained as a firefighter are transferred back into our organisation so it's a win win situation as far as I'm concerned!"

The following links enable the viewing of 2 short videos from the Brampton event:

Celebrating Cumbria's on-call firefighters (YouTube video)

On-call firefighter with employer at Brampton fire station (YouTube video)